
Es werden Posts vom Juli, 2024 angezeigt.

Masoud Barzani: The Butcher of Sinjar

While ISIS may have executed the genocide against Iraq’s Yazidi population, a US lawsuit reveals that Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani and his untouchable Peshmerga forces played a direct, complicit role in the massacre, driven by their geopolitical interest in conquering Sinjar. A Cradle Correspondent JUL 25, 2024 (Photo Credit: The Cradle) In August 2014, ISIS launched a nightmarish campaign to massacre, enslave, and rape thousands of Yazidis – an ethno-religious minority in the Sinjar region of Iraq – in what is widely acknowledged as a  genocide .  But now, a lawsuit currently underway in the US District Court in Washington, DC, makes a shocking claim:  Masoud Barzani , the longtime Iraqi Kurdish leader, orchestrated the mass slaughter of Yazidis, using ISIS as a proxy. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the Kurdistan Victims Fund, headed by Stephen Studdert, a former senior advisor to US Presidents George HW Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Ford, and  alleges that Barzani “

Rojava / Theorie: Alternative Ökonomie durch Kooperativen aufbauen

  15:58 MIT kontrolliert Reisende in Südkurdistan 14:59 QSD: IS-Dschihadist bei Einsatz nahe Hesekê getötet 14:02 YJA Star greifen Besatzer in Zap und Heftanîn an 12:21 69 Nobelpreisträger:innen fordern Freiheit für Abdullah Öcalan 10:25 KCDK-E ruft zum Protest anlässlich 101 Jahren Lausanner Abkommen auf 09:36 Lisa Çalan: „Als Künstler:innen den Rahmen der Zensur sprengen“ 08:37 Bazîd: Festnahmen wegen kurdischen Tänzen und Trachten 07:30 Istanbul: Protest gegen Zwangsverwaltung und PDK-Verrat 06:40 Iran: KJAR verurteilt Todesstrafe gegen Aktivistinnen 18:18 Kurdischer Gefangener in Ûrmiye hingerichtet