Vor den Augen Russlands plündern die Türken Rojava's Weizensilos
In full view of the Russian forces, the Turkish forces and their Syrian proxies continue to transport grains from Shirkirak Silos to Turkey

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
was informed that the Turkish-backed factions are continuing to
transport grains from Shirkirak Silos in the northern countryside of
Al-Raqqah to the Turkish territory, where new quantities of grains were
taken today morning to Turkey escorted by Turkish vehicles.
Sources added to SOHR that this
action was in full view of the Russian forces which are located in the
vicinity of the area, but they did nothing.
It is noteworthy that the Turkish
forces and factions imposed their control over the silos of Shirkirak on
November 18, and the village’s silos contain huge amounts of wheat and
grain stocks.
On December 11, SOHR obtained new
details about violations by the Turkish forces and their loyal factions
in areas under their control within the “Peace Spring” military
According to this information; the
Turkish-backed factions have been still continuing to steal wheat and
barley crops from the silos of “Tal Abyad” city and “Sluk”.
Reliable sources said “(M.Z.) the
commander in Ahrar al-Sharqiyyah faction and (T.H.) brother of the head
of Tal Abyad Civil Council as well as other persons, have bought the
crops stolen from Tal Abyad and Sluk silos, from al-Jabha al-Shamiyyah
and Jaysh Al-Islam, and took them to pre-prepared warehouses near
Al-Blue Gas Station.”
According to the sources; grain is
sold to traders have ties to (B.Q.) who is on the international
sanctions list, one of those traders has been identified as (A.S.) one
of the well-known traders in Al-Raqqah city, in cooperation with (T.H.)
and (A.F.), in which the first one has warehouses west of Al-Abbas Gas
Station in al-Ferja village in Tal Abyad countryside.
“In addition, there is a second
large gathering point belongs to (N.K.) and a number of his relatives
who use the area to the west of Al-Mahkama Al-Jadidah Roundabout to
store the stolen crops under command of al-Jabha al-Shamiyyah faction”
the sources added.
According to information obtained by
SOHR; “al-Dehliz” Silos in Sluk had contained 11400 tons of wheat,
while the silos of “Al-Sakhrat” south of Tal Abyad, contained 11000 tons
of wheat. Sources added “both silos had contained 26000 tons of barley,
also there are silos in (Shirkirak) north of Al-Raqqah, with 9000 tons
of wheat and 11000 tons of barley.”
Reliable sources confirmed that
these amounts of grain are being taken to Turkey, after large quantities
had been transported from Al-Dehliz Silos in Sluk town and Al-Sakhrat
Silos in the south of Tal Abyad, and part of them stored in Tal Abyad
warehouses, after the curfew imposed in the areas of the so-called
“Peace Spring”.
The sources added “according to
reliable information; the curfew included the movement of vehicles with
exception of ambulances. Besides, Tal Abyad Civil Council is ordered to
transport grain and cotton from the silos, without mentioning the
destination to which they have been transported, and the head of the
so-called “Tal Abyad Civil Council” said previously that the curfew to
be imposed in “Tal Abyad” and “Sluk” for security reasons, from 11:00 pm
to 5:00 am.”
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